Pyramid utilizes Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) as a surface geophysical tool to provide information to our clients regarding geologic site conditions, hydrogeologic characteristics, and conductivity variability associated with environmental concerns. We utilize the Advanced Geosciences, Inc. (AGI) Supersting … [Read more...]
3D Modeling of Electrical Resistivity Data
Electrical resistivity (ER) testing is an effective geophysical method to identify subsurface geologic hazards, stratigraphic variability, karst features, and hydrogeologic conditions. A typical single ER test utilizes an array of electrodes placed in a straight line at a consistent spacing across a target area. This … [Read more...]
Electrical Resistivity Mapping Across a Stream Channel
Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) is an effective method for engineering projects in atypical environments that require a detailed understanding of geologic conditions, stratigraphy and/or hazards. ERT is unique among geophysical methods because a single test can be performed crossing both land and … [Read more...]