Ground Penetrating Radar
Pyramid has years of experience utilizing Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) equipment and processing software to analyze geologic site conditions, evaluate the nature and integrity of subsurface strata, and locate buried objects such as UST's, drums, or waste/debris. We own both ...
Electromagnetic Induction and Magnetics Pyramid utilizes in-house electromagnetic geophysical equipment for a wide variety of environmental applications to solve our client's problems. Pyramid utilizes the Geonics EM31 and EM61 systems to perform our electromagnetic induction surveys. The EM31 measures changes in ...
Electrical Resistivity
Pyramid utilizes Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) as a surface geophysical tool to provide information to our clients regarding geologic site conditions, hydrogeologic characteristics, and conductivity variability associated with environmental concerns. We utilize the Advanced Geosciences, Inc. (AGI) Supersting R8 multi-electrode ...
Seismic Services
Multi-Channel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) Pyramid staff have taken advantage of this relatively new technique in the recent past for the purposes of geologic mapping, identifying depth to rock, analyzing subsurface velocity and density profiles, and geotechnical investigations. We ...
Private Utility Locating
Pyramid offers a full range of private utility locating services to delineate and identify depths of buried pipes, conduit, rebar, and other suburface utilities. Our equipment includes ground penetrating radar (GPR) with a range of antenna frequencies to be used ...