Pyramid has years of experience utilizing Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) equipment and processing software to analyze geologic site conditions, evaluate the nature and integrity of subsurface strata, and locate buried objects such as UST’s, drums, or waste/debris. We own both a GSSI UtilityScan DF multi-frequency radar unit as well as a GSSI SIR 4000 GPR System with a variety of antennae frequencies dependent on the nature of the buried material, site conditions, and depth of interest. Pyramid also has high frequency GPR capabilities, including our GSSI StructureScan Mini XT 2700 MHz antenna that can be used to delineate rebar, post-tension cables, and examine concrete slabs for moisture intrusion and sub-slab voids. Our radar surveys are fast, accurate, and can be tied into GPS coordinate systems that allow for improved locating and visualization of survey results.
Past projects where GPR has proved to be beneficial include locating UST’s (often in conjunction with Electromagnetic Surveys), delineating the extents of buried waste in existing or abandoned landfill sites, mapping depth to bedrock, locating buried utilities, void identification, locating septic leach fields, and general geologic site characterization.