One of the most common applications of near-surface seismic testing is to identify the depth of the top of a bedrock unit in the subsurface. The two most effective seismic methods associated with this application are: 1) Seismic refraction, and 2) Multi-Channel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW). Most people who are … [Read more...]
Slope Stability Analysis Using Geophysics
Pyramid Geophysical Services was contracted to assist in a comprehensive evaluation of subsurface geologic and hydrogeologic conditions along a causeway in South Carolina. The causeway was experiencing slope failures and ground collapses. These failures were thought to be the result of both the presence of buried … [Read more...]
Seismic Refraction
Pyramid Geophysical Services was contracted to perform seismic refraction survey along a proposed trail in North Carolina. The seismic refraction method consists of measuring (at known points along the surface of the ground) the travel times of compression waves (P-waves) generated by an impulsive energy source. In … [Read more...]